Avatar image
Lvl 150 Terran
Prestige Lvl 173555,500 to level
Player is currently inactive


Attack 11,354 Defence 7,801
HP 35,065 Speed 232,772
Accuracy 87.52% Block 5.75%
Crit Strike 5.75% Crit Resist 5.75%
Income/hr 19,028 Cr Turns/hr 616
Exp/hr 109

Game Mastery

Completely retired from the game...
  • Experience 336,427,170
  • Growth Today 18
  • Link Clicks Today 1
  • Followers 3
  • Commander Cyberkilla
Available1 Cr
Banked5,710,951,137 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • AnnoyingShadow
  • Snow wolf
  • Hellblaze Wolf
  • Download
  • Cirno
  • E T
  • Nakor of The Orange

Top Enemies View All

  • Ashley
  • Sdiddy73

Equipped Items


- Decided to returned to game starting November 11th 2017.
-- Basically retired from the game.
--- The game is no longer active to continue,

Active Skill Effects

CyberGhost has no active skills :(

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 336,427,170
  • Guild HOWL
  • Guild Rank The Box GHOST
  • Commander Cyberkilla
  • Followers 3
  • Offensive 2,597,614
  • Defensive 1,160
  • Raiding 30,552
  • Bounties 62,169
  • MF Level 301
  • Link Clicks 137,032