News & Updates Latest Reply Topics Posts

Latest News

Check here for the latest news, details of upcoming updates, competitions, and much more!

Level caps and prestige (12)
By Jyreeil
163 2,031

Idea Submission

Post your ideas here; if it's a good one, it may even be implemented!

guild skills (7)
By Shoebob
402 2,235
Community Latest Reply Topics Posts


General FutureRP discussions.

Does this work (4)
By Johnny2Guns
273 3,305

Request Help

Having a problem? Let us help you; post it here.

Is mapping shortcut keys to mouse buttons allowed? (3)
By Jyreeil
97 553


Off-topic discussions.

Crypto currencies (6)
By Johnny2Guns
120 1,814


Advertise or request imagery, such as avatars.

No subject (4)
By Johnny2Guns
53 590
Trading Latest Reply Topics Posts

Item Trading

Looking for an Item? Discuss them here, and offer trades!

Satan's Soul Devourer for sale! (15)
By Detective Jake Peralta
95 314
Guilds Latest Reply Topics Posts


Searching for a new guild? Post here!

Invisible War has vacancies! (24)
By Dekcah
53 228
Bug Reporting Latest Reply Topics Posts

Bug Reporting

Report bugs and other issues here. If the issue is sensitive, please contact an administrator directly instead!

"Limit Reached" for raids? (4)
By Detective Jake Peralta
464 2,557