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Lvl 150 D'Jinn
Prestige Lvl 59713,308 to level
Last activity - 3 week(s) ago

Leader of Hall of Fame

Attack 12,356 Defence 7,828
HP 38,097 Speed 252,806
Accuracy 97.16% Block 12.06%
Crit Strike 12.29% Crit Resist 7.80%
Income/hr 18,354 Cr Turns/hr 677
Exp/hr 292

Game Mastery

  • Experience 90,579,982
  • Growth Today 1,460
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 24
  • Commander N/A
Available687,011 Cr
Banked3,724,290,607 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • Lufia_Maxim
  • Mephistopheles
  • Aurum KodEXo
  • CyberGhost
  • Hellblaze Wolf
  • Leon Ardo

Top Enemies View All

Equipped Items


"Part of survival is not killing yourself." - Eddie Vedder

10,001 attack for 1,880,276exp (14/03/15)
Level 100 (23/06/13)

Active Skill Effects

Gale has no active skills :(

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 90,579,982
  • Guild Hall of Fame
  • Guild Rank Leader
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 24
  • Offensive 335,260
  • Defensive 787
  • Raiding 12,337
  • Bounties 979
  • MF Level 301
  • Link Clicks 410,102