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Lvl 142 Kabal
160,167 / 600,670440,503 to level
Player is currently inactive

Leader of Future Soldiers

Attack 11,214 Defence 7,045
HP 34,774 Speed 215,154
Accuracy 90.04% Block 6.93%
Crit Strike 7.38% Crit Resist 6.26%
Income/hr 15,200 Cr Turns/hr 685
Exp/hr 50

Game Mastery

If any of you need anything, just ask. The worst I will do is say no. Here to help
  • Experience 28,192,377
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 5
  • Commander Dythark
Available65,981 Cr
Banked2,214,876,412 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • Cyberkilla
  • Dythark
  • Symphony
  • Aragorn
  • Hellblaze Wolf
  • Lewiy
  • Aurum KodEXo
  • Gale

Top Enemies View All

  • Venom

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Active Skill Effects

Mephistopheles has no active skills :(

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All Statistics

  • Level 142
  • Experience 28,192,377
  • Guild Future Soldiers
  • Guild Rank Leader
  • Commander Dythark
  • Followers 5
  • Offensive 124,873
  • Defensive 305
  • Raiding 13,592
  • Bounties 3
  • MF Level 136
  • Link Clicks 205,181