
Half Mod

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Tue Aug 21 14:17:28 EDT 2012

[13:27] <@Symphony> Thought about it a bit, not sure about where the cap on level would be. But when you reach it you can reset your level. You will keep your skills, and receive a 1/1 skill buff that increases your stats and exp gain. So you can level up again quicker
[13:27] <@Symphony> each time you reset your level, that buff increases again
[13:28] <@Aurum KodEXo> What of the item lvl requirement?
[13:28] <@Symphony> Pretty much the extent of how much I thought up
[13:28] <@Symphony> I thought that shouldn't change
[13:28] <@Symphony> it would make items have more value
[13:28] <@Symphony> having people reset every now and then will put items to use that aren't normally used
[13:29] <@Aurum KodEXo> Well, right now, I thought of another idea how this level cap could be implemented with item thing, though your idea likely sounds better in terms of items' value
[13:30] <@Symphony> What's that
[13:30] <@Aurum KodEXo> Basically, the player himself couldn't power up anymore after reaching level cap, however, items would get stronger and stronger, being based on exp cap, rather than level cap.
[13:30] <%Hotel Dusk Room 215> i thioguth of zomthing tuu
[13:31] <@Symphony> Wat?
[13:31] <@Aurum KodEXo> Actually, more accurately, stronger and stronger items could be released
[13:31] <@Aurum KodEXo> I worded it wrong previously
[13:32] <@Symphony> So he would have to revamp items again
[13:32] <@Symphony> making them based on EXP?
[13:32] <%Hotel Dusk Room 215> jau jau avout clans have their territory and conquer each other, using attack and defenze, so sum plaiers go to attack and otherz defendz
[13:32] <@Aurum KodEXo> Well instead of level caps we would have exp caps
[13:33] <@Symphony> Yeah that idea is around, and CK actually plans to implement that, Dusk
[13:33] <@Aurum KodEXo> though the weaker items could still have level caps
[13:33] <@Symphony> a guild attack and defend map
[13:33] <@Symphony> I see
[13:33] <%Hotel Dusk Room 215> yeha but he sez that like one year ago go
[13:33] <@Symphony> ; font-family: courier;" t*tle="">Website - Open
[13:35] <@Symphony> Game Features/Rewrite the Trade Block; Improve Search, Auctions Inactive 0% Minor
[13:35] <@Symphony> DIdn't he do that?
[13:35] <@Symphony> Game Features/User-editable Wiki Section Inactive 0% Minor
[13:35] <@Symphony> and that
[13:35] <@Symphony> guess he hasn't been updating it
[13:36] <@Symphony> Yeah actually a lot of those things he did already (smiley)
[13:36] <@Aurum KodEXo> Nope. And somewhat yes for second one
[13:36] <@Symphony> Game Features/New Casino-like Games to Compliment Lottery, Raffle Inactive 0% Minor
[13:37] <@Aurum KodEXo> Though yeah, he probably hasn't updated it
[13:37] <@Symphony> The EXP cap items still defeats the purpose of having a cap
[13:37] <@Symphony> the cap is to keep players from being untouchable
[13:38] <@Symphony> Prestige only gives them minor benefits, though there needs to be more than just a buff that levels up each time you do it
[13:38] <@Symphony> plus the prestige really messes with the balance of guild power too
[13:38] <@Symphony> which is great
[13:39] <@Aurum KodEXo> hmm interesting
[13:40] <@Symphony> Of course that buff will have like a permanent +5% exp gain or something, along with attack defence or something
[13:40] <@Symphony> or even the minor stats that don't increase by level, like crit
[13:40] <@Symphony> that would be good I think
[13:41] <@Aurum KodEXo> Well, the exp gain and minor stat buff should end somewhere though.
[13:41] <@Aurum KodEXo> Like in 5th or 10th prestige
[13:43] <@Symphony> yes
[13:44] <@Symphony> going to work on a thread for this in a bit I think, after I play some gaemz
[13:44] <@Aurum KodEXo> k
[13:44] <@Sdiddy73> So i messaged to ck yesterday if he could expand the guild raid pages - and he said he was going to think about doing that. He wants to do like other games where you have to spend points to unlock more pages to view...would def help with some of us that
[13:44] <@Sdiddy73> need to watch and keep track of raids (smiley)
[13:45] <@Symphony> The level cap is hard to figure out, either you make it somewhere after CG21's level, or you have to remove some of his levels...
[13:45] <@Aurum KodEXo> Well, I think I know how
[13:45] <@Symphony> put it after CG21 level, it's not really possible to reach
[13:45] <@Aurum KodEXo> Level cap would be 100. The beginning level would be 0 (so the lvl 100 would be 10 mil exp)
[13:46] <@Sdiddy73> Symph - I think kuz did a write up or you did in the forum. Before ya type away try and find it lol
[13:46] <@Symphony> It should probably be at least 150, so's the items at least stay the same
[13:46] <@Aurum KodEXo> Every time you reach lvl 100, a skill becomes available that lets you become stronger by sacrificing 10 mil exp
[13:47] <@Symphony> Yeah I now there is something like this somehwere
[13:47] <@Aurum KodEXo> That way, no one would lose their hard work
[13:47] <@Symphony> Oh I see what you mean
[13:47] <@Aurum KodEXo> CG for example as he is now, would get 17 prestiges
[13:48] <@Aurum KodEXo> Hmm
[13:48] <@Aurum KodEXo> then again, that would end up with players going for 20 mil exp instead
[13:48] <@Aurum KodEXo> so they would never become lvl 0
[13:48] <@Symphony> Still puts him much stronger, if there was just a prestige, that would mean many of the top players would be placed on an even playing field, if they so chose
[13:49] <@Symphony> It's a really good way to put it though
[13:49] <@Aurum KodEXo> Yeah, but we wouldn't want anyone to lose their hard work
[13:49] <@Aurum KodEXo> Private Message to Symphony >>
[13:50] <@Symphony> Private Message to Aurum KodEXo >>
[13:50] <@Symphony> Something to ponder :\
[13:50] <@Aurum KodEXo> I know how it could be done. Everyone would retain their current exp, however, they no longer could gain any exp
[13:50] <@Aurum KodEXo> No one beyond 10 mil exp can gain anything. So that would force them to go to lvl 0
[13:51] <@Aurum KodEXo> As soon as you reach lvl 100, you no longer can gain any exp
[13:51] <@Aurum KodEXo> (btw. that cap lvl could be anything, just example)
[13:53] <@Symphony> So if it was level 150, the player reaches that cap at 15m exp for example, no long gains exp. Can spend that 15m to reset, gain a permanent buff to your stats, possibly exp gain
[13:54] <@Symphony> I think the exp should all stay the same though
[13:55] <@Symphony> meaning what you need to reach 150, and how much NPC give
[13:55] <@Sdiddy73> So what would happen to the items that people are wearing?
[13:55] <@Symphony> there must be that exp % buff though, even 100 takes more time than it really hsould
[13:56] <@Symphony> They would have to become useless, but they wouldn't unequip
[13:56] <@Symphony> in case the player has no room
[13:57] <@Sdiddy73> the prob is when ya get to level 150 and you can finally equip your items they then become useless
[13:57] <@Sdiddy73> if you prestige
[13:57] <@Symphony> Yeah that's true
[13:57] <@Symphony> but I know I would stay at 150 for some time at least
[13:57] <@Symphony> to raid, attack players etc
[13:57] <@Sdiddy73> unless you ar a player that could care less and didnt want to prestige but then you are stuck not groqwing anymore
[13:58] <@Sdiddy73> yep
[13:58] <@Symphony> true also
[13:58] <@Sdiddy73> It would be interesting then for guilds (smiley) would be a good power change
[13:58] <@Symphony> yea
[13:59] <@Symphony> There must be enough incentive to reset your level, but also enough incentive to stay at the cap as well...
[13:59] <@Symphony> Staying at cap means you will stay pretty strong, but not stronger than someone who resets and is at the cap
[13:59] <@Sdiddy73> unless the item cap lowered to 130 or 140 so you can still use till ya gt to 150
[13:59] <@Symphony> you can attack players and be strong for raids, but not as strong as someone who resets
[14:00] <@Sdiddy73> yep
[14:00] <@Sdiddy73> if they prestige then they have added bonuses (smiley)
[14:00] <@Sdiddy73> Im all in fellas lol
[14:00] <@Symphony> lowering the item cap will mess up a lot of things
[14:00] <@Aurum KodEXo> sorry was away
[14:00] <@Sdiddy73> i like this idea and would give me more incentive to grow
[14:01] <@Sdiddy73> ok lvl 150 make the level cap then 160 or 170
[14:01] <@Sdiddy73> that way you can still use the items for some lvels
[14:01] <@Aurum KodEXo> K read everything new
[14:02] <@Aurum KodEXo> Hmm lvl 160 - 40.96 mil
[14:02] <@Sdiddy73> so item cap stays at 150 but lvl cap increases by 10 or so
[14:02] <@Aurum KodEXo> works for me
[14:02] <@Sdiddy73> that way items that are already in game then still have a purpous and dont lose power
[14:02] <@Symphony> Surely CK could increase exp for 160 to 50m just to be even (smiley)
[14:03] <@Sdiddy73> lol
[14:03] <@Symphony> same goes for NPC's in maps as well
[14:03] <@Symphony> er 41m*
[14:03] <@Aurum KodEXo> Would require some difficult formula though
[14:03] <@Sdiddy73> yeah...have an increase maybe then in npc level
[14:04] <@Symphony> NPC cap can stay 150
[14:04] <@Sdiddy73> (smiley)
[14:04] <@Aurum KodEXo> To be honest, I like 40.96 more than 41M (40M is best)
[14:04] <@Symphony> I just meant that if you decreased the level below 150 as a cap, that's a lot of work to fix NPC
[14:04] <@Aurum KodEXo> Due to 4096 being in ^2
[14:05] <@Aurum KodEXo> 2^*
[14:05] <@Aurum KodEXo> 2^12 to be specific
[14:05] <@Aurum KodEXo> xD
[14:06] <@Symphony> You've lost me, but I'm sure it makes sense
[14:06] <@Symphony> I'm sure posting this here into the forums would suffice, then we add details in posts where needed right?
[14:06] <@Aurum KodEXo> Well, it has no real revelance to the game, but it looks nicer xD
[14:07] <@Aurum KodEXo> I gues so
[14:07] <@Symphony> but there is something somewhere like this
[14:07] <@Aurum KodEXo> guess*
[14:08] <@Aurum KodEXo> I know, what to do
[14:08] <@Aurum KodEXo> Keep starting level as it is now (1)
[14:08] <@Aurum KodEXo> lvl 160 would be reached at 40M instead of current 40,196,790
[14:12] <@Symphony> I don't see a thread like this anywhere
[14:12] <@Aurum KodEXo> Also, with prestige being gained at 40M instead, even CG wouldn't get much prestiges

Edited 1 time(s). Last edited by Symphony @ Tue Aug 21 14:21:39 EDT 2012


Half Mod

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Tue Aug 21 14:18:56 EDT 2012

Long discussion for the level cap etc.

Not wanting to throw this on CK so soon after his return of course. But it needed to be put here. I remember there being discussions of this, but I can't find the thread of it. So maybe it was only talked about in chat.

Needs more added details but the latter idea of the cap being level 150 or 160 is good. The one Aurum came up with.



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Wed Aug 22 12:10:43 EDT 2012

Much appreciated. I'll read it through (smiley) EDIT: Still haven't read it. I will though. I hope (smiley)

Invisible War ][
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited by Cyberkilla @ Fri Aug 31 8:50:19 EDT 2012


Half Mod

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Mon Sep 17 19:44:07 EDT 2012




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Wed Oct 24 13:33:04 EDT 2012

It seems like a good idea maybe when the equipment idea that Maddox brought up.

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Detective Jake Peralta


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Wed Oct 24 14:08:32 EDT 2012

Quote from Kamikaze
It seems like a good idea maybe when the equipment idea that Maddox brought up.