Avatar image
Lvl 150 Kabal
Prestige Lvl 5471,835 to level
Last activity - 21 hour(s) ago

of Log Horizon

Attack 12,131 Defence 7,961
HP 37,370 Speed 250,335
Accuracy 93.00% Block 8.50%
Crit Strike 9.52% Crit Resist 8.50%
Income/hr 24,737 Cr Turns/hr 872
Exp/hr 280

Game Mastery

  • Experience 36,766,915
  • Growth Today 1,416
  • Link Clicks Today 1
  • Followers 4
  • Commander N/A
Available1,122,011 Cr
Banked518,082,606 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • akasha15
  • Medievil
  • Download
  • carlos
  • Lewiy
  • Ashley

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Equipped Items


Started 12/3/07
1m 04/05/09
2m 6/11/*
3m 3/5/10
4m 7/8/*
5m 1/11/*
6m 4/*/*
7m 10/12/*
8m 21/3/11
9m 11/5/*
10m 8/8/*
11m 6/11/*
12m 22/3/12
13m 27/7/*
14m 25/11/*
15m 10/03/13
16m 7/06/*
17m 30/12/*
18m 29/01/14
30m 30/01/23 (smiley)

Attacks 5,066 [5/11/10]
Exp 454,901 [5/11/10]

Most Attacks 5,100 [30/12/13] | Most Exp 702,962 [30/12/13]

This player is on a... Holy Shit!!

Active Skill Effects

Spendy has no active skills :(

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 36,766,915
  • Guild Log Horizon
  • Guild Rank N/A
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 4
  • Offensive 96,536
  • Defensive 1,149
  • Raiding 6,182
  • Bounties 740
  • MF Level 301
  • Link Clicks 339,558