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Lvl 101 Kabal
92,274 / 303,010210,736 to level
Player is currently inactive

Guild Veteran of Total Devastation

Attack 5,866 Defence 3,533
HP 17,898 Speed 115,553
Accuracy 88.06% Block 5.00%
Crit Strike 5.00% Crit Resist 5.00%
Income/hr 14,822 Cr Turns/hr 174
Exp/hr 72

Game Mastery

Join Date- 11-08-2008
  • Experience 10,092,274
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 3
  • Commander Cyberkilla
Available3 Cr
Banked49,938 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • Jam-Master-Jay
  • Maverik
  • Darth Malak
  • slayeralpha
  • varU

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Want to join Total Devastation? Just message Me or Mightyafro for an invite!

Personal Record: 420,362 XP Growth.
5014 Attacks.

Level 100 Reached: 4th September 2011

I will return all link clicks.

Active Skill Effects

Medievil has no active skills :(

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All Statistics

  • Level 101
  • Experience 10,092,274
  • Guild Total Devastation
  • Guild Rank Guild Veteran
  • Commander Cyberkilla
  • Followers 3
  • Offensive 147,751
  • Defensive 634
  • Raiding 1,004
  • Bounties 697
  • MF Level 12
  • Link Clicks 16,421