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Lvl 150 Dredd
Prestige Lvl 871,166,153 to level
Last activity - 3 hour(s) ago

Phoenix Commander ß of The Kodan Empire

Attack 12,422 Defence 7,823
HP 36,077 Speed 232,199
Accuracy 90.75% Block 7.09%
Crit Strike 10.67% Crit Resist 6.75%
Income/hr 26,173 Cr Turns/hr 831
Exp/hr 326

Game Mastery

I am who i am, your approval is not needed.
  • Experience 131,954,377
  • Growth Today 1,694
  • Link Clicks Today 4
  • Followers 15
  • Commander Dythark
Available78,519 Cr
Banked2,580,572,925 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • Dythark
  • StuLax18

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Equipped Items


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

Active Skill Effects

Dagahra has no active skills :(

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All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 131,954,377
  • Guild The Kodan Empire
  • Guild Rank Phoenix Commander ß
  • Commander Dythark
  • Followers 15
  • Offensive 495,525
  • Defensive 187
  • Raiding 46,046
  • Bounties 5,824
  • MF Level 152
  • Link Clicks 524,700