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Lvl 106 Kabal
237,903 / 333,91096,007 to level
Player is currently inactive

Leader of Hall of Fame

Attack 6,253 Defence 3,891
HP 19,226 Speed 124,643
Accuracy 87.55% Block 5.00%
Crit Strike 5.00% Crit Resist 5.00%
Income/hr 14,992 Cr Turns/hr 611
Exp/hr 109

Game Mastery

  • Experience 11,814,153
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 0
  • Commander N/A
Available727,832 Cr
Banked8,709,518 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • ReeRs
  • Lirila
  • Symphony
  • Dona Tello
  • Vayne
  • slayer78
  • rawphenomenon
  • Mephistopheles

Top Enemies View All

  • Cyberkilla

Equipped Items


Me > ck
Never forget!

Active Skill Effects

Mikeniceness has no active skills :(

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 106
  • Experience 11,814,153
  • Guild Hall of Fame
  • Guild Rank Leader
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 1,111
  • Defensive 177
  • Raiding 103
  • Bounties 3
  • MF Level 9
  • Link Clicks 13,572