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Lvl 150 Kabal
Prestige Lvl 15380,855 to level
Player is currently inactive
Attack 12,449 Defence 7,890
HP 37,851 Speed 246,081
Accuracy 94.58% Block 10.26%
Crit Strike 11.09% Crit Resist 7.00%
Income/hr 17,070 Cr Turns/hr 688
Exp/hr 230

Game Mastery

  • Experience 44,540,395
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 0
  • Commander N/A
Available188,883 Cr
Banked6,172,186,590 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • Dythark
  • Snow wolf
  • Air
  • Kamikaze
  • Detective Jake Peralta
  • Mephistopheles
  • akasha15

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Equipped Items


Secret Link

You have been captured by Enterprise!

Fear grips your soul as you ponder your potentially deadly fate.

For an instant you consider a cowardly attempt to flee, but your heart insists you confront your foe...

In your eyes you see only one option...

This player is Godlike!
Nov. 17, 2010 3,050 attacks

Active Skill Effects

Enterprise has no active skills :(

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 44,540,395
  • Guild N/A
  • Guild Rank N/A
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 201,083
  • Defensive 367
  • Raiding 25,062
  • Bounties 1,862
  • MF Level 161
  • Link Clicks 186,862