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Lvl 150 Kraal
Prestige Lvl 81349,914 to level
Last activity - 58 minute(s) ago

S tier of Biohazard

Attack 13,030 Defence 7,784
HP 39,800 Speed 261,404
Accuracy 95.30% Block 5.00%
Crit Strike 5.40% Crit Resist 5.40%
Income/hr 20,000 Cr Turns/hr 861
Exp/hr 90

Game Mastery

  • Experience 122,913,996
  • Growth Today 1,164
  • Link Clicks Today 6
  • Followers 5
  • Commander N/A
Available200,000 Cr
Banked35,194,005 Cr

Top Allies View All

  • *JT*
  • Alba
  • Symphony
  • judgeDredd
  • Destroyed Rajang

Top Enemies View All

Equipped Items


Most Growth- 1,675,992
Most Attacks- 12,001
Most Exp in month- 20,000,001
2200 Raids in a day - SeCrEt CiTy

Active Skill Effects

7 hr(s)
Login Streak Boost x41/1
21 hr(s)

Medals View All

All Statistics

  • Level 150
  • Experience 122,913,996
  • Guild Biohazard
  • Guild Rank S tier
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 5
  • Offensive 636,683
  • Defensive 989
  • Raiding 54,040
  • Bounties 28,086
  • MF Level 301
  • Link Clicks 125,231