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Lvl 99 Kabal
74,933 / 291,070216,137 to level
Last activity - 7 minute(s) ago

B tier of Biohazard

Attack 6,120 Defence 3,395
HP 16,147 Speed 125,384
Accuracy 99.00% Block 10.30%
Crit Strike 9.58% Crit Resist 5.40%
Income/hr 14,900 Cr Turns/hr 574
Exp/hr 145

Game Mastery

Noob Extraodinaire
  • Experience 9,486,853
  • Growth Today 8,450
  • Link Clicks Today 9
  • Followers 0
  • Commander Alba
Available79,484 Cr
Banked118,830,050 Cr

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Join: 8-12-2011
1 mil XP: 21-03-2012
2 mil XP: 31-03-2012
3 mil XP: 06-04-2012
4 Mil XP: 15-04-2012
5 Mil XP: 20-04-2012
6 Mil XP: 25-04-2012
7 Mil XP: 17-02-2024

Active Skill Effects

Login Streak Boost x41/1
20 hr(s)

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All Statistics

  • Level 99
  • Experience 9,486,853
  • Guild Biohazard
  • Guild Rank B tier
  • Commander Alba
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 121,592
  • Defensive 179
  • Raiding 2,807
  • Bounties 1,252
  • MF Level 110
  • Link Clicks 27,695