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Lvl 17 Terran
6,517 / 8,1701,653 to level
Player is currently inactive
Attack 345 Defence 108
HP 815 Speed 3,436
Accuracy 81.10% Block 5.00%
Crit Strike 5.00% Crit Resist 5.00%
Income/hr 3,058 Cr Turns/hr 53
Exp/hr 24

Game Mastery

  • Experience 47,477
  • Growth Today 0
  • Link Clicks Today 0
  • Followers 0
  • Commander N/A
Available3,540 Cr
Banked24 Cr

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  • Darth Malak
  • SpArkY
  • Darth Revan
  • mutator

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unregistered player hey i w1ll kill ay1 tht try to kill me u w1ll neva 4get who i am kuz i will hunt u down.!!!!!!!!! i hate every1 tht try to get in mii way tht trys to stop mii guild from becomin da best guild eva............ and any iz welcome to join jus ask.................................. Wellfare i'm ur worst nightmare u eva thought of i'm worst thn jason evry day 4 u iz like a fri da 13

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Watch this space :)

All Statistics

  • Level 17
  • Experience 47,477
  • Guild N/A
  • Guild Rank N/A
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 1,408
  • Defensive 174
  • Raiding 15
  • Bounties 0
  • MF Level 1
  • Link Clicks 1,123