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Lvl 125 Terran
82,618 / 465,010382,392 to level
Last activity - Online Now

A tier of Biohazard

Attack 9,210 Defence 6,690
HP 28,312 Speed 185,590
Accuracy 98.30% Block 7.50%
Crit Strike 9.30% Crit Resist 7.50%
Income/hr 14,971 Cr Turns/hr 665
Exp/hr 215

Game Mastery

Until next time
  • Experience 19,148,858
  • Growth Today 1,615
  • Link Clicks Today 4
  • Followers 0
  • Commander N/A
Available14,971 Cr
Banked338,154,525 Cr

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  • Alba

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All Statistics

  • Level 125
  • Experience 19,148,858
  • Guild Biohazard
  • Guild Rank A tier
  • Commander N/A
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 31,539
  • Defensive 48
  • Raiding 2,735
  • Bounties 122
  • MF Level 128
  • Link Clicks 33,556