Avatar image
Lvl 23 Terran
2,982 / 15,19012,208 to level
Player is currently inactive
Attack 285 Defence 190
HP 899 Speed 6,730
Accuracy 80.00% Block 5.00%
Crit Strike 5.00% Crit Resist 5.00%
Income/hr 3,330 Cr Turns/hr 56
Exp/hr 11

Game Mastery

This is a volatile testing account for the game.
  • Experience 109,462
  • Growth Today 27
  • Link Clicks Today 1
  • Followers 0
  • Commander Cyberkilla
Available37,237 Cr
Banked24 Cr

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Equipped Items



"For Testing Only!"
This account is purely for testing purposes. The power/level/statistics of this account may rise or fall depending on our testing needs.

It is NOT cheating if this account jumps to level 400, or down to level 1. It is an official account for testing.

Do NOT send this account guild requests or messages. They will not be responded to. Send queries to cyberkilla.

Active Skill Effects

Game Bot has no active skills :(

Medals View All

Game Bot doesn't have any medals...yet!
Watch this space :)

All Statistics

  • Level 23
  • Experience 109,462
  • Guild N/A
  • Guild Rank N/A
  • Commander Cyberkilla
  • Followers 0
  • Offensive 75
  • Defensive 133
  • Raiding 0
  • Bounties 0
  • MF Level 1
  • Link Clicks 1,615