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Tue Jun 10 20:08:21 EDT 2008

Or you could try my idea of making points and cash stealable but basicallly worthless aside from PvP deals and set up NPC's to trade them to ath single currency for the charactor upgrades (items and such).

Basically the longer you leave points/cash in the open would mean the longer you run the risk of being attacked and losing a chunk of tradefodder.

Getting Points Stolen?!?!

That sounds horrific

Detective Jake Peralta


Total Posts: 802
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Tue Jun 10 20:08:34 EDT 2008

Actually Cyber, I find that ever since outwar has taken away the money currency, the game has improved. The main problem with outwar is that the creator are money hungry. Outwar does not have enough points in circulation which slows down the game's... (can't think of the right word ) Any way, the problem with all of a sudden changing the point and money system is that it would be unfair to the people that have many points/lots of cash. Unless you convert it all.

If you made it once currency, I would see this as the same thing as points. The problem with $ right now is that a huge number just doesn't seem as... special? So if you made the new currency a small value, then it would take on the roll of points.

On the contrary, equips should have big integers that represent "attack" and "hp" and what not. In the case of this game, the numbers arn't as high as others. So like you said, you should make the original item stats LOW. And once fully upgraded, brings the items up like... 60%. This would cause people to use their $/points/alien currency (which ever is used at the time). A game like outrage (which no longer exists) had this. The items started with 800k attack. Once fully "gemmed" the item goes to 1.5m attack. Looks better and causes people to use their *enter currency type here*. (I still think upgrades should be used with pts btw).

BasedGod -OMG-


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Tue Jun 10 20:10:02 EDT 2008

I hate Outwar love this game (smiley) its great like it is or i wouldnt play it (smiley) (smiley)

oh my god

Detective Jake Peralta


Total Posts: 802
Online Status: Offline
Tue Jun 10 20:14:55 EDT 2008

I hate Outwar love this game (smiley) its great like it is or i wouldnt play it (smiley) (smiley)

The best part of this game is that the creators/admins are VERY opened to public opinions. Aslong as this game doesn't become too materialistic.. and admins stay as active in forums and such, I think this game'll top all the others.



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Tue Jun 10 21:27:03 EDT 2008

I hate Outwar love this game (smiley) its great like it is or i wouldnt play it (smiley) (smiley)

I like you

The stats of items are perfect as they are, as far as I'm concerned. There is plenty of room for expansion. The little items are in the 10's and the bigger ones are in the 100's.

I have a 406 attack weapon. That is a good amount for a level 65 item in my opinion.
To make the attack on items larger means making the whole attack base variable formula different, just for a minor cosmetic change. I like it the way it is tbh.

Single currency is good in many respects, but for it to work, it must be much more regulated than cash is now.

You way you like outwar's system... How the hell do you even get points on outwar, without buying them? I am genuinely intrigued.

I think that the cash/new currency could be slightly lower, so as to make it a little more realistic.
But, it is never going to be like real money - that's why I'm changing the currency to a futuristic one. You won't be able to compare it anymore.

Yen is more interesting than the dollar because it is larger. It takes more to buy stuff. Bigger numbers are more fun, up to a point.

It would be so boring if a decent gun was just $150 or something stupid like that. $150,000 sounds much more interesting.

If it were called Credits, I personally think 5,000 Credits is comparable to $150,000. Well, you get my point anyway.

Invisible War ][
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited by Cyberkilla @ Tue Jun 10 21:31:27 EDT 2008

Detective Jake Peralta


Total Posts: 802
Online Status: Offline
Tue Jun 10 21:31:19 EDT 2008

I hate Outwar love this game (smiley) its great like it is or i wouldnt play it (smiley) (smiley)

I like you

The stats of items are perfect as they are, as far as I'm concerned. There is plenty of room for expansion. The little items are in the 10's and the bigger ones are in the 100's.

I have a 406 attack weapon. That is a good amount for a level 65 item in my opinion.
To make the attack on items larger means making the whole attack base variable formula different, just for a minor cosmetic change. I like it the way it is tbh.

Single currency is good in many respects, but for it to work, it must be much more regulated than cash is now.

You way you like outwar's system... How the hell do you even get points on outwar, without buying them? I am genuinely intrigued.

I mentioned earlyer that it is too hard to get points on outwar. Which is why if you make points the main currency, you cannot become money hungry =) Otherwise the game'll end up like outwar. And we don't want that now do we?