

Total Posts: 5,982
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Fri Sep 14 8:49:42 EDT 2007

I'm not going mad! Here are my reasons:


Okay, in the old game, many people have billions of dollars in cash.
I feel that this is extravagant and that little bit too unrealistic.

What I have done is this:

cash = cash / 100
bank = bank /100
bank_allowance = bank_allowance / 100

What I have done is make every $1 one hundred times more potent.
What does this mean? Well, I think we all know a small amount about economies.

If I was to steal a printing press, and make four hundred trillion pounds and release them into britains economy, the VALUE OF THE POUND would get VERY WEAK.

This is what is happening in the old game. People are stockpiling money that is damaging the economy. The only way I could fix it was to increase prices.
Fortunately, this is a GAME, and it is possible to just divide all funds by 100, and get the economy back on track.

I must stress, you haven't LOST any money, or any lead in relation to other players.


The level system in the old one was very kind to you all. This meant that players could really push away fromeachother.
Unfortunately, it also meant that YOUR ATTACK RANGES were very poor.
Because this version has compressed the levels more, you will be able to hit a lot more people than before.

In addition to this, levels needed to be shortened to make ITEMS/a**ETS/SKILLS important.
Let me explain:

You have your level, which gives you "base variables". This is your basic power, and it increases a lot each time you level up.
Because it "increases a lot" there is an increasing power gap between each level.

This is where Items come in.
Items/a**ets/Skills SUPPLEMENT your base variables.

Base Attack(100) + Item Attack(50) = Total Attack Power(150).


Well, if the levels WERENT closer together(with bigger power gaps), the effects of these items would push you so powerful that you would be able to attack people many levels above you.

I am still struggling with this part, but I am confident I can find the correct base attack & hp formula today.

It is true that it takes more Experience(followers) to level up if you are really strong in the old version, but thats WHAT IT IS MEANT TO BE LIKE!(smiley)
It isn't actually that bad, and king pummel t is the one who agrees most(And he is the worst hit!(smiley))

The lower levels(1-15) will most likely get a SHORTER levelup gap than before, so it isn't all bad.

Invisible War ][

Deleted Player

Fri Sep 14 10:40:17 EDT 2007

ah (smiley) so im not being ripped off anyway unless your using a loop hole (smiley)



Total Posts: 263
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Fri Sep 14 13:31:02 EDT 2007

so our money in the other game isnt going to be worth the same amount on here ? 



Total Posts: 5,982
Online Status: Offline
Fri Sep 14 13:47:47 EDT 2007

No, it IS WORTH THE SAME, its just a smaller number.

Thats all I've really done.

Invisible War ][

Deleted Player

Fri Sep 14 13:54:10 EDT 2007

yeh the money is the same but smaller (smiley) just 100x different it will become clear when everything is up and running (smiley)



Total Posts: 263
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Fri Sep 14 13:54:11 EDT 2007

fair enough gives a oppertunity to those who will work hard for the $$$$