

Total Posts: 5,982
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Tue Mar 8 16:54:14 EST 2011


As promised, I am going to try to lay out the changes I'll be making to items, along with details of the new Item Making feature that I'm working on.

Work has been slow, because of real life distractions, plus, it's been genuinely difficult to design. I will add more information over the next few days. For now, here's the latest info:

Item Attributes & Misc Changes

Items will have the following attributes:
  • Attack - the amount of damage you inflict upon the enemy each strike. There's a +-5% random fluctuation per strike to make it interesting.
  • Defence - the amount of incoming damage that is absorbed before it affects your Hit Points (HP). At the moment, it can absorb 30% of each strike, until it runs out.
  • Hit Points - the amount of damage you can take before you lose the attack.
  • Speed - determines who strikes first. There's a +-5% fluctuation on both opponents' speed, so you if your speed is only slightly better/worse, the results can vary a little, to make it interesting.
  • Accuracy - the odds of hitting the enemy during each strike. Same as always, though the numbers will be higher, and the cap is 100%, even if you exceed it. Being able to exceed it will make it easier to be more accurate, as I don't have to micro-manage it.
  • Block - the odds of blocking a strike, and having no damage inflicted upon you. This is a percentage value, which will have a cap too, though I haven't decided what it'll be yet. Only the shield slot will have any substantial Block attribute in the current designs.
  • Critical Strike - the odds of hitting with 200% attack during a strike.
  • Critical Resist - reduces the enemy's chance of getting a critical strike on you, and if they do, it will be dissipated slightly, down from 200% towards 100% (or perhaps less) depending on what your critical resist attribute is. This will probably be a percentage too.
  • Income Per Hour - the number of credits awarded hourly.
  • Turns Per Hour - the number of turns awarded hourly.
  • Experience Per Hour - the amount of experience awarded hourly.

Other Item Changes

  • Quality – items are split into several different quality levels, with each quality level being more powerful, and more rare/sought after than the next! The best quality items have the most attributes, the most wealth, and the most rarity!
  • Bind Type - instead of just having "player-bound", we'll have Bind On Equip, and Bind On Pickup. Bind On Equip will be great, as it will enable guilds to store items which will only become player-bound after someone has equipped them!
  • Lifespan, activation type - instead of having items which expire after a period of time, but can be stored indefinitely until they are activated, we will also have an option to start the expiration countdown as soon as the item is created. This will be good for raid treasure that's powerful, but doesn't last for very long after the raid.

Invisible War ][
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited by Cyberkilla @ Tue Mar 8 17:04:35 EST 2011

Lord Insidious


Total Posts: 278
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Tue Mar 8 18:18:37 EST 2011

Excellent job CK (smiley)



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Thu Mar 10 14:29:48 EST 2011

Quote from UltimateChaos
Excellent job CK (smiley)



I'm also planning to create item mods again too, but I'm unsure what the best way to implement it is.

I've been told by a few people that the five item upgrade stars aren't the best idea, and I'd like to replace them with something more interesting and useful.

What I'm thinking (and feel free to give your own suggestions) is this:

#1. Just one or two item mod/attachment socket per item (or two for the highest quality items), which gives big attribute boosts, plus - potentially - a pa**ive skill effect.
#2. A handful of minor enhancement/upgrade sockets, with small attribute boosts.

The minor enhancement sockets are probably more akin to "gems" in WoW. What I'm stuck on is precisely what the premise/terminology for them would be. I don't think we should opt for gems, or anything like that. I'm leaning more towards something generic, like special little badges to certify that the item has been enhanced in some way.

Can anyone else think of something better here? Whatever it is, there would probably be a page installed for applying them to the item, and whilst some might be available for Credits on the page itself, the rarer ones could be hidden in the World, dropped by raids, etc.

Invisible War ][



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Thu Mar 10 14:51:45 EST 2011

On the other hand, perhaps we could just be a bit smarter with the upgrade stars - keep the basic premise, but make it a bit more customisable/different than just buying an extra star.

We could then just leave the big attribute boosts to the item mods.


Ah, to hell with it. I'm not wasting another day on just thinking about this(smiley) I'll keep the upgrade stars, though I may modify them to make them more beneficial, etc. The premise of having little stars will probably remain the same though.

I'll also add support for the item mods, as I've outlined. If I only allow one mod per item, I can keep it really, really simple. Perhaps two for the super-high quality ones.

Crisis over.

Invisible War ][
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited by Cyberkilla @ Thu Mar 10 14:56:42 EST 2011



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Thu Mar 10 14:55:50 EST 2011

Why don't you just simply call them upgrades, have like you said, two of them for the better weapons and one for the more common weapons. Also you should make them be stat specific like have an upgrade on exp/hour or attack. (smiley)



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Thu Mar 10 14:57:48 EST 2011

This was brought up way back in 2010 lol...just giving a refresher to ya CK lol also thinking of what can be used to do that.