Aurum KodEXo


Total Posts: 2,573
Online Status: Offline
Sat Nov 1 10:09:25 EDT 2014

Basically I have worked out a formula to determine our rankings based on results of all FRP attacking tournaments hosted on Challonge.

Here's how the formula of rating change works per match:
max(0, Xa+(max(16, 1024/pow(2, Y/400))*(W-(pow(10, Xa/400)/(pow(10, Xa/400)+pow(10, Xb/400)))))*min(1, sqrt(abs(Za-Zb))/sqrt(1000))) = Your new EXO rating

Xa - Your current EXO rating
Xb - Opponents current EXO rating
Y - Your peak EXO
W - Win Score - can be either 1 or 0, depending on whether you win or lose.
Za - Your attacks
Zb - Opponents attacks

Everyone starts at EXO Rating of 1000.

Here's top 20 as of 01.11.2014 (click on picture to get full list):
